And remember,
No Matter What
Don't Forget to Ask for the Money!
For years I begged for a job in nonprofit organizations. (I was a fund raiser / propagandist.) When I was laid-off, I began to beg for a job ... RUDE AWAKENING! Why not just cut out the middleman and pocket the "profits" directly! This blog explores cross-cultural, extra-ordinary giving and receiving, charity and charisma, need and greed. In short, "Begging, the Question!" Remember: no matter what ... Don't forget to ask for the money!
Well, here is the "more". This reminds me of the Tibetan Book of the Dead where one offers one's entirety to be "recycled" by those entities that thrive on that which we discard, only to promote life in, at minimum, its most simple form. Composting. I hate living in the city where every portal to the earth has been paved over, sealed up (in the case of smog) and imported (in the case of our water). HELP!