Thursday, February 18, 2010

Adopt-a-Pothole on Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles

I am encouraged! The developing nation shall lead the arrogant ones!

Who will join me in this enterprise to repair Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles?

To wit:

The Adopt-a-Pothole is a new Social-Economic Enterprise, which addresses key fundamental needs in South Africa, being road infrastructure maintenance, and the alleviation of unemployment and poverty in local communities and promotes the principles of custodianship and leadership rather than ownership and entitlement.

The project has been designed as a practical business and enterprise development incubator, and it will recruit, train and mentor unemployed individuals as business unit caretakers, admin and support officers, and pothole doctors in the developing social entrepreneurship arena.

The project was designed using a multiple cluster model, with each cluster comprising of 5 independently managed business units positioned within a social-economic franchise model.

This programme is structured to leverage CSR, Social Economic and Enterprise Development funding mechanisms as well as marketing budgets of large and medium corporations. Profits generated will be shared between the programme expansion cost and pre-defined beneficiaries.

And then let's adopt-a-lightbulb for the streetlights that are out! It's so annoying to see that cluster of "art" streetlight poles at LACMA ... when the ones we need for visibility (and safety!) are out everywhere.